The Awkward Virgin - Part II
Hollywood films portray false assumptions about the “nerdy” girl, by usually claiming that these weird girls have never had sex. The “awkward virgin” misconception has framed into societal standards, that many people look down upon. For example, the common misconception is if you don’t lose your virginity by a certain age, then you are automatically weird. There are a variety of reasons as to why women choose to not give themselves up to anyone. We have acknowledged that some of these reasons may consist of moral values, religious beliefs or just not ready to take the next step. False misconceptions of this stereotypical role can only lead to negative examples for young girls watching these films. Roles like this should be created as a positive light to help younger viewers understand the concept of sex. For example, the series Jane the Virgin , centers around a young writer who happened to be saving herself until marriage. Jane Villanueva, played by Gina Rodriguez, was raised in a re...